
Bring Your Own Device BYOD




What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a term used to describe a digital device ownership model where students use their privately-owned devices to access the departmental networks and information management systems in an educational setting.

Devices are used in the classroom to enhance students' learning experiences in accordance with the Department of Education's 21st Century learning guide. The purpose of BYOD is to create and maintain a highly engaging learning environment that equips students with the capacity to think, solve problems, respond to and thrive within a changing society. A blend of traditional and digital learning approaches will be integrated to maximise the learning potential of every child. The use of technology as a tool, extends learning opportunities for​ all students combined with normal books, pencil, pen and paper to form the basis of the daily class routine.


Consultation with prospective families at our community meeting held in September 2022, saw an overwhelming support for BYOD implementation from Year 2 to Year 6; with iPads as the preferred device for Years 2 to 4 and laptops for Years 5 and 6. To support families with the outlay of costs, a phased implementation approach will be taken by our school – refer to the table below. In 2023, students will not need to purchase their own device as we acknowledge the start-up costs associated with all of our families commencing at a new school. Any box shaded in grey indicates the students in that year level will have class access to devices and are not required to outlay BYOD costs. While this may not be on a one-to-one ratio, it will provide opportunities to increase digital skills, create and engage at a high level and align to our teaching practices for all year levels.  We have done this to ensure that when families do have the financial outlay, the device will last several years. This phased implementation shows that by 2025 we are full BYOD for Year 2 to Year 6.

We understand that parents and the community will have many questions about BYOD and during Term 4 we will hold 'BYOD Information Sessions' and 'Parent Onboarding Workshops' to help us dive deeper into the device specifications, share the ways devices will be used to leverage digital, and help parents with the information they need to purchase and set up the devices. 

​Minimum requirements for BYOD devices in 2024.

iPads (Years 2 & 3 only)

Minimum 64GB of internal storage

iPads with cellular connections are not permitted

iPads must be capable of running the most recent version of iPadOS – Currently version 16.6.

iPad Mini's are not suited for use in the BYOD program

Laptops (Year 5 only)

Storage (Hard Drive Space)
Minimum 256GB
Memory (RAM)
Minimum 8GB
Intel i3 or above. AMD Ryzen 3 or above.
Minimum 13" screen size
Battery Life
6+ hours
Operating System
Windows 10 64bit​


Appropriate virus protection should also be installed on the laptop
Windows 10S is not compatible with the school network.

Sturdy protective cases and screen protectors for all devices are highly recommended. ​

​BYOD Vendor Portals

HP Vendor Portal
Code - RipleyCSS

JB Hi-Fi BYOD Portal
Code - RCSSBYOD2024

Harvey Norman BYOD Portal
No code required.​​

Last reviewed 07 December 2023
Last updated 07 December 2023