Our staff
Our staff are all employed to support our school motto 'Pasion & Purpose'. They all have varying interests, expertise and ways to support our culture that promotes learning. General inquiries for staff can be sent to admin@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au or directly to an individual staff member if appropriate.
Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) members are listed below:
Mrs Wuanita Meyrick principal@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au
Deputy Principals
Ms Petra Yager DP@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au
Mr Craig Pearen DP@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au
Head of Inclusion
Ms Kylie Walas HOI@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au
Business Manager
Ms Karen Mitchell BSM@ripleycentralss.eq.edu.au
Together as a staff team, we look forward to working with our school community to support our EPIC Learners who are Empowered, Polite, Inclusive and Careful.