In Queensland State Schools the purpose of a Homework Policy is to communicate homework expectations and support to students and their families, as well as to ensure that homework:
is effective in supporting learning
allows sufficient time for family, recreation and community
does not disadvantage students due to a lack of access to resources.
Our approach to homework encompasses our school motto, Passion & Purpose, by taking the form of PASSION PROJECTS each term. Importantly, it supports our values of EPIC Learners, who are Empowered, Polite, Inclusive and Careful.
John Spencer, a former teacher and now professor, as well as a best-selling author, is a believer in empowering students (and teachers) to own their learning through the power of creativity. You can learn more about John Spencer here
His work is centred around 'What happens when students own their learning?' and is our inspiration for our Homework Policy along with much of our pedagogical practices (the way we teach) at school.
Our Homework Policy unpacks what a PASSION PROJECT is and how we will support your child to engage in them. Excitedly, it also unpacks how we will showcase these to share with their class, year level and/or our community. Our staff are also keen to undertake PASSION PROJECTS.
A PASSION PROJECT is a way for a child to capture and share:
- a new learning of interest
- an extended learning about something they are passionate about
- an innovation / design for something new.
Our Homework Policy allows time for students to be athletes, musicians, active and caring community members, creative, entrepreneurs, creators, problem solvers, curious and importantly 'children'! PASSION PROJECTS allow for children to engage in a hobby or new activity, document their learning or journey however they chose and then present their PASSION PROJECT to an audience.
This video, Seven Things that Happen When Students Own Their Learning, by John Spencer, inspires our development of our Homework Policy.