Ripley Central State School (Prep to year 6) is located in the growing Ripley area and opened in Term 1, 2023 (on 23rd January).
We are planned in stages of development to cater for just over 1200 students. The school site is situated in an estate named Ripley Valley and will be located on Binnies Road. Access to our administration is via Gazania Street, with a parent and visitor carpark for easy access.
Our staff have exceptional relational skills, are driven to build a positive, welcoming and supportive school culture and willing to commit to the school's development and expediential growth. They have a strong work ethic, a desire to collaborate and a commitment to connecting with community.
With 'Passion and Purpose', our new learning community will ensure every student is empowered and succeeding through the development and sustainment of authentic learning partnerships, connected curriculum delivered through quality pedagogy, creative and engaging learning environments and leveraging digital pedagogies.
Our Learners will be EPIC; Empowered, Polite, Inclusive and Careful. Prior to our foundation year, we sought input from our future staff, community and parents across a number of forums and have developed a strong sense of expectation for each value. These are published in our Student Code of Conduct.
You can learn more about our school by exploring our school website.