Ripley Central State School is committed to creating a supportive, innovative learning community where each learner is successful. We will aim for Equity and Excellence for all.
Our 'Provision of Whole School Curriculum' known as our Level 1 plan, outlines learning areas of the Australian Curriculum and year levels/semesters in which they will be taught and/or assessed.
The language we study is Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Our Year 5 and 6 students will follow the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and will be assessed, with their achievement reported in their semester report cards. Our Prep to Year 4 students will also have weekly lessons, however these will not be assessed.
Our school motto Passion and Purpose articulates a commitment to ensure learners experience quality learning that authentic, purposeful and links to areas of passion. We will capture this in our unit planning as a 'Big Idea' and will seek authentic and purposeful contexts for our learning and assessment.
We develop our curriculum, alongside our Pedagogical Approach (the ways we teach), using 'The CENTRAL Way'. Our English unit planning has key aspects we will consider and plan using 'The CENTRAL Way' (Collaboration, Empowerment, New and/or Necessary, Teaching and Learning, Real Life, Accessible for all and Leveraging Digital). In time, all learning areas will use 'The CENTRAL Way'.